Informing, inspiring, and empowering individuals, groups and institutions to understand what they must know, do and be in order to achieve their visions and goals. We offer consultation and professional development to address issues such as the following:
- Enhancing cultural competence/reducing Implicit Bias programs for organizations and institutions
- Developing diversity/inclusivity programs for faculty, administrators, classified staff, and students
- Increasing student retention, engagement and success, especially for students at greater risk for dropping out
- Strengthening academic advising and student support programs and services
- International student recruitment programs and services
- Motivating faculty and staff to collaborate in support of student success
- Building collaborative teams and communities
- Motivating students to share responsibility for success
- External reviews for US Department of Education Title V grants
- Accreditation preparation and response
- Executive search and coaching for diverse faculty and staff
- Professional development for boards